torsdag 26 april 2012

I see red.

Oh, dear Father for I have sinned.
It´s been almoste 5 months since my last blog entry.
And I´ve been unfaithful and writing about what will come on another website.
How do I make amends?
Can I sacrifice lipgloss?

Ok, to make up for lost time, here is a fashion you never thought would be back- don´t shoot the messenger now;-)

The red teddy. Think Flashdance. Will you hit the shower or let it pass?
Remember that red slinky teddy Jennifer Beals(and her stunt-double) wore in Flashdance? Red teddy it is.

måndag 28 november 2011

In your face Oracla!

Oracla dragged me around showroom after showroom during Stockholm Fashion week.
Although I was exhausted I still managed to win the biggest goodiebag in wednesdays poker game:
The Body Shop Ultimate calender!
24 days of surprises, yey:-)

onsdag 23 november 2011

High paw!

Like poker sister bofuret says - "You got to win. Playing isn´t enough".
I hope she´s proud of me now ´cause I WON!

Oracla goes Stockholm Fashion Week Retail. Miss Imani goes bananas.

That´s a sport right?
It should be.
Oracla is le tired.
But happy.
Miss Imani is pissed.
Today is wednesday which means ladies poker night at Paf aka Magdas Goodiebag.
Hurting feet and fashion overdoze is not at valid get out of poker-free card.
It`s not about the prize- it´s about winning!!!
And the trend has been I´m loosing because Oracla is taking up soo muuch space here!

Advantage Miss Imani.

måndag 21 november 2011

Wardrobe safari at Kat´s #2 -Does your boyfriend know?

This is nothing knew about the fashion. Infact, this trend has been around for awhile. I ´ve seen it worn and thought "mjnaaa, not for me".
After Kat introduced me to it I can´t let go of my new favorite jeans.
The boyfriend- jeans.
Miss Imani loves and Oracla is worried.
No, we don´t have boyfriends but we have the jeans;-)
Sooo comfy. But Oracla sees a problem: We might think they´re super but what would a boyfriend think?
Do they even know?(before it´s too late I mean;-)
Men love to see their white shirts on their woman but their jeans?
Thing is we don´t really need to steal them anymore since they are manufactured that way too.

Are those Tom Cruise old jeans?

/Miss Imani

Why size matters.

Yes, we´ve heard it on Oprah a gazillion times and yet so many strive to fit the same mold as runway models.
Although we know that to look that way you need those genes(which can change in aseason) and/or starve yourself.
I have theory.
Size matters when you dress because everyone looks better when they´re wearing their size.
Their actual size.
I´ve been criticized my whole life for being skinny. Some roll their eyes and hint that since I look this or that way I should just be quiet.
I disagree. Finding my size of clothes growing up was hard. Then puberty hit and I got a chest.
Size skinny with chest didn´t exist so I wore what my friends wore and I still got comments for being too skinny.
In short- I never felt pretty because people commented on my weight and finding clothes that looked nice and fashionable was difficult.
I recently gained weight for the first time in my life. Usually my high metabolism has kept me at a size 2 and at couple of times a 0.
Let me tell you that a size 0 hurts. It literally hurts to sit, to stand(no muscles) and you freeze constantly.
Not to fabulous.
But anyway, I gained weight. Alot and quick. Due to a medicinal mistake I gained 10 kg in 3 weeks.
I felt like someone put diving weights on me and suddenly none of my clothes fit me.
The good part is that I noticed the change before it went to far. Too far meaning getting problems with my heart which evidently can happen.
But as far as size I was just happy too get a booty! So when my friends cleaned out their closets I adjusted to my new size and what I found was that you look better- no matter what size you are- as long as you dress your size and(same if your a size 2) make the most of your best features and draw attention to them.
We all have flaws no matter what size we are.
 The trick is knowing your "glamour zones" and having them work for you.
Marilyn Monroe, the world most gorgeous woman of all time to me, knew how to work her angles and tried covering up to be taken seriously.

söndag 20 november 2011

Wardrobe safari at Kat´s #1 - Morocco

Like a mother with a newborn I woke up, looked at the 8 bags of clothes, shoes,, coats, jewellery, handbags, nailpolish and beauty products and sighed.
Good, you´re all still here. Oracla loves all of you.
Miss Imani loves you to.
Kat loves you too but you were taking up space in her fashion flow.
Oracla´s going to take good care of you.

Here´s a product I´ve been longing to get and BAM of course Kat had a bottle for me!
My hair gets too dry so I need the strength in this oil but if you have finer hair the dryer oils might be better.
On the otherhand- a drop of this before you go out in the cold of fall saves any hair from breaking.

Cheezy video but this works! And on all types of hair. Olive oil is too fat and silicon stays on the surface.
These dry oils come proven and awarded.  A must for this winter. Basta.